Sunday, August 21, 2022

Mangu High CRE Paper 1 Marking Scheme





1.  (a) Identify seven activities performed by God in the second Biblical creation accounts in Genesis 2:4 – 23. 

·         He created the heaven and the earth.

·         He formed man out of dust from the ground.

·         He breathed and man became a living being.

·         God planted a garden in East of Eden.

·         He put man whom He had formed in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and guard it.

·         In the middle of the Garden of Eden He created the tree of life and tree of knowledge of good and evil.

·         He gave man responsibility to cultivate and conserve the Garden of Eden.

·         He formed other creatures (birds / animals) from the ground and gave man responsibility to name them.

·         God brought the woman to man.       (any 7x1 = 7mks)


(b)  Give five reasons why Biblical creation story has two accounts of the same event.                      

·         The two accounts were not written in a single sitting but different times.

·         The accounts are from different sources, Yahwist and Priestly.

·         They were written in different places e.g. Yahwist was composed in Judah.

·         One account is as a result of research at the other i.e. second one is trying to explain the first one.

·         Accounts were written by different authors.

·         The authors were inspired by God and therefore they wrote what God revealed to them. (any 5x1 = 5mks)


(c)  Explain four ways on how the use of the Bible has hindered the spread of the Good News in Kenya.      

·         It is used to take oaths in courts / offices by people who may not be believers.

·         It is kept in offices associated with evil.

·         There is distortion of Biblical teachings / piecemeal interpretation of the Bible meant to suit individual demands.

·         Some people use the Bible as an ordinary text book / reference book.

·         It is being used in witchcraft / cult to mislead people.

·         Some people are using the Bible to enrich themselves / it is a tool of trade.

·         Some new versions translated have changed the original meaning of the Bible.

·         The Bible is not read for spiritual growth but kept for display.

·         Some people use the Bible to threaten others / curse others.  (any 6 x 1 = 6mks)


2.    (a)  Describe the sealing of the Sinai covenant in Exodus 24:4-8.

·         Moses woke up early in the morning and built an altar at the foot of the mountain.

·         He used twelve pillars to represent the twelve tribes of the Israelites.

·         Young men were sent to bring a bull.

·         Moses instructed the young man to offer burnt offerings of peace offerings to the Lord.

·         Moses took half of the blood and poured on the altar, the place of meeting with God.

·         He took the book of the law and read it in the hearing of all the people.

·         All the Israelites said they would be obedient.

·         Then Moses took the remainder of the blood and poured on the people.

·         The sprinkling of blood implied that the covenant was binding the Israelites to God.

·         God concluded the covenant ceremony by giving Moses the two stone tablets on which the laws were written.    (any 8x1 = 8mks)


(b)  Identify and explain the attributes of God as understood by the Israelites during the Exodus and when they

were at Mt. Sinai.

·         God was the only God – when Israelites depended on God the golden calf failed.

·         God is the source of life – God provided food and water to the Israelites when they were in the wilderness.

·         God is powerful – He saw the Israelites through the battles with their enemies.

·         God is good – God liberated them and provided for them and made them rich.

·         God is orderly – He gave them laws to govern their lives.

·         God is Holy – the place where men met with the presence of God was set apart as Holy.(any 6x1=6mks)

(c)  State six values which a Christian learn from the call of Moses

·         Humility – Ex. 3:4

·         Courage – 3:3

·         Faith / trust – 3:17

·         Love / care / mercy – 3:7

·         Honesty – 3:11

·         Obedience – 4:18

·         Service

·         Holiness 3:5

·         Knowledge

·         Patience

·         Justice – punishing Egyptians.   (any 6x1 = 6mks)


3.    (a) Explain four ways in which King Solomon fulfilled Samuel’s prophecy against kingship in Israel.  

·         Solomon used forced labor during the construction of his palace and the temple.

·         He overtaxed the Israelites to provide for the upkeep of his palace and the army.

·         He grabbed the property of the Israelites and gave it to his officials.

·         He forced their sons to join the army.

·         He took their daughters and made them perfumers and concubines.

·         Through marriage alliances with other nations, Israel lost its identity as God’s nation.

·         He was oppressive in his rule e.g. he killed his brother Adonijah who was a threat to his throne.

·         He sold part of Israel’s land which was a sacred property.

·         He allowed his wives to bring false gods into Israel.     (any 4x2 = 8mks)


(b)  Outline God’s promises to King David through Prophet Nathan.     

·         David’s name would be great.

·         God would establish land for the settlement of David’s descendants.

·         God would protect David from his enemies.

·         God would establish an everlasting dynasty from the lineage of David.

·         David’s son would build a house for God.

·         God would be like a father to David’s son.

·         God would punish David’s son if he did wrong the way the earthly father does.

·         Israel would be protected from her enemies by God.

·         God would raise a heir from David’s lineage.     (any 6x1 = 6mks)


(c)  Give six ways in which Christians can deal with challenges they face in modern society.             

·         Praying.

·         Reading the scripture / Bible.

·         Perseverance in trial and temptations.

·         Seeking government protection.

·         Preaching on unity and reconciliation.

·         Organizing joint programmes.

·         Giving a common approach to issues affecting citizens of Kenya.         (any 6x1 = 6mks)


4.     (a)  Explain four characteristics of the day of Lord as prophesized by prophet Amos.                                    

·         It would be a day of mourning and suffering.

·         The word of God would be scarce like food during famine.

·         People would run to and fro seeking it and would not find it.

·         Punishment would come that none would escape.

·         There would earthquakes.

·         There would be eclipse of the sun.

·         It would be a bitter experience for the people for they ignored the word of God.

·         There would be floods.     (any 8x1 = 8mks)


 (b)  State six forms of punishment God would give Israel according to prophet Amos.

·         War / invasion – they would die by the sword.

·         Exile – would be taken into exile.

·         Fire – would burn their cities.

·         Drought and famine would strike their land.

·         Locusts would invade the land.

·         God would destroy altars at Bethel and Dan.

·         Earthquakes.

·         Epidemics.     (any 6x1 = 6mks)


(c)  Show ways in which the church is carrying out its prophetic role in the society today.

·         Preaching the good news.

·         Calling the people to repentance.

·         Helping the poor / needy.

·         Reconciling warring parties.

·         Condemning evils in the society.

·         Foretelling God’s plan for his people.

·         Enabling Christians to know the will of God.

·         Enabling Christians to lead exemplary lives.

·         Strengthening of the faith of Christians.

·         Winning new converts.    (any 6 x 1 = 6mks)


5.    (a)  Outline Jeremiah’s teaching on judgement and punishment.                                   

·         The people of Judah and the city of Jerusalem will be consumed by fire from God.

·         The punishment will be in form of an invasion from a foreign country that God will use to conquer Judah.

·         The people of Judah will be taken into exile due to idolatry.

·         The judgement will befall the Israelites due to their failure to observe the covenant way of life.

·         Jeremiah understood God’s judgement as universal i.e. affecting both Israelites and other nations for their sins.

·         The punishment will come from the North of Judah – the Babylonians.

·         The punishment is inevitable – God must punish Judah.

·         The punishment will be severe – there will be no peace.

·         The people of Judah will experience a severe drought – suffering due to lack of food and water.

·         Deportation of the people of Judah will happen as prophesized.

·         The people of Judah will lose their land following their enslavement in a foreign land.

·         Their kingdom will be destroyed.       (any 8 x 1 = 8mks)


(b) Explain symbolic acts related to judgement and punishment according to prophet Jeremiah.       

·         Waist cloth – the rotten cloth symbolized Judah and Israel who had been ruined by idol worship.

·         The parable of the wineskin jars – the breaking of jars signified the people of Judah which would lead to destruction of Judah and the city of Jerusalem.

·         A potter and his day – the remoulding of the clay signified God has power to destroy the sinful Judah and rebuild a new nation.

·         The Earthen flask – the breaking of the flask demonstrated that God would destroy the people of Judah.

·         Vision of two baskets of figs – the people who willingly went into exile represented good figs while those who resisted represented bad figs and would be destroyed.

·         Jeremiah’s life – the restriction from morning signified Judah and Jerusalem would be punished for going against the covenant.

·         The wooden ox-yoke – the yoke signified that the people of Judah were expected to accept Babylonian rule without resistance.         (any 7x1 = 7mks)


(c)  Identify five reasons why Christians face the danger of being punished today.

·         Rampant corruption / bribery.

·         Rampant prostitution / sexual immorality.

·         Insincere worship in churches.

·         Widespread idolatry / devil churches.

·         Drunkenness / drug abuse.

·         Robbery with violence / killing.

·         Mistreatment of the poor / the weak.

·         Neglect of law of brotherhood / sisterhood.  (any 5x1 = 5mks)


6.    (a)  Give the importance of marriage in Traditional African Societies.   

·         It brings the whole community together.

·         Marriages give an individual status in society.

·         Leads to the creation of social relationship, this extending the web of kinship.

·         The new couples have the opportunity to learn new kin and skills and bring them into unique relationship.

·         Marriage is a source of wealth for the family i.e. it’s a source of labour – children.

·         Sons born in marriage inherit their father’s property thus perpetuate the name of the family.

·         The children born make the marriage complete / strengthens the unity between husband and wife.

·         Children take care of parents in an old age and even give them decent burial when they die.

·         Children provide security for the home.

·         Through marriage of the living, the dead and the yet to be born are brought in harmony.(any 8x1 = 8mks)


(b)  Identify seven reasons why kinship system was highly valued in Traditional African societies.                 

·         Help in controlling marriage.

·         Maintained peace and harmony in the community.

·         Help in communal work.

·         It helps in settling disputes.

·         Ensure there is education of the young members / young generation.

·         Help in providing each other’s needs.

·         Supported the widows and orphans.

·         Help to rescue / support when one was in need.  (any 7x1 = 7mks)


(c)  State five factors that have weakened kinship system today.                     

·         Migration – to urban, and other areas.

·         Education – further away from the family.

·         Economic difficulties – resulted in individualism.

·         Inability in our communities – tribal and clan wars.

·         Christianity – against idea of polygamous family.

·         Influence of western culture.    (any 5x1 = 5mks)


CRE Paper 1 Mangu High

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